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DOD: US Forces Acted in Self-Defense in Syria

Department of Defense officials say actions by the U.S.-led coalition in Syria was in “self-defense,” citing a major attack on its allied forces and U.S. advisers in Deir el-Zour province. (Feb. 8) Subscribe for more Breaking News: Get updates and more Breaking News here: The Associated Press is the essential global news network, delivering fast, unbiased news from every corner of the world to all media platforms and formats. AP’s commitment to independent, comprehensive journalism has deep roots. Founded in 1846, AP has covered all the major news events of the past 165 years, providing high-quality, informed reporting of everything from wars and elections to championship games and royal weddings. AP is the largest and most trusted source of independent news and information. Today, AP employs the latest technology to collect and distribute content – we have daily uploads covering the latest and breaking news in the world of politics, sport and entertainment. Join us in a conversation about world events, the newsgathering process or whatever aspect of the news universe you find interesting or important. Subscribe:


LiveFromChicago says:

Fuck you liars. Im sick of American bullshit. I hope God destroys the US government.

Oleg Ushyarov says:

9/11 was self defense then and Pearl Harbor.

cutiekazoe10 says:

Leave Syria, America! You are an occupying force and an unwelcome one at that. As if arming terrorists wasn't bad enough, now they are attacking the S.A.A directly. America is the greatest threat to global security and the largest sponsor of terrorism.

Lendzemo Joachimkimeng says:

u cant even look at the camera u american bitch.leave Syria alone u fuks.

Eyes Wide Open says:

Unprovoked attack? You are in THEIR country!!!!

steve standley says:

lol self-defense.  Is there anyone STUPID enough to believe the US government's lies?

Brandoregularo says:

Syria is proof your vote does not count.

tysswe1 says:

Get the fuck out, you dont belong there. The only reason they are in that particular part of syria is because they probably have plans for the oil fields

Soji Olaniyan says:

Using an idiot Afro American stupid to talk and defend blatant terrorism being perpetuated by the most evil country in the world. A bull in a China shop of a country. Shame on you Americans for allowing this to be done in your name!!

fozzy0266 says:

Self defense? Not your country so how is that self defense?

Mike Melina says:

We keep dicking around in Syria, when it's clear that there are no "good guys" and our best option is Assad returning Syria to it's secular oligarchy/dictatorship. If Assad loses, Syria becomes Libya.

Vincenzo Mannello says:

it is absolutely necessary that #Damascus and the allies react in some way !! The #Americans who occupy the #Syria must begin to lose men on the ground, only this makes the #GreatSatan reason .. at the cost of provoking a further increase in the conflict !!😡

Tupac Shakur says:

Respect to all who have commented, Feels good knowing people are seeing thru this nonsense.

drummerboy smith says:

How can it be self defense if we are invading their country? Only they can claim that.

Petavius17 says:

This monkey is eating shit .

Maine_Life_ 207 says:

We're not supposed to be there, so what do you expect? Civil war going on, throw the US in the mix and the Russians and something is bound to happen to escalate any given situation.

Leslie Kendall says:

Democratic forces???? What you're saying is that the US IS STILL backing the rebels. It just goes to show ya that a president is 'allowed' to do what he wants except for the globalist's foreign policies which never change.

2bRealist says:

All that US Military resources ARE NEEDED AT HOME, SECURING OUR BORDER!!

2bRealist says:

You can't claim self defense when you ARE INVADING SOME ONE ELSE'S LAND!! o_O

waynemre11 says:

democratic force = stalinist terror organization

Melody Sallee says:

We have no buisness in the middle east We are there because of lies by our goverment

Dre go,hard says:

To defeat isis or control Syria oil?🤔

Terri Suder says:

We are helping the Kurdish forces (the good guys)!! They did good!!!


so lets get this straight the us is working with terroristrebels in syria to attack the syrian governments forces…then scream self defense…thats like breaking in my house asasauting my wife and then screaming self defense when i catch you…

Mami Nani says:

Crazy supporting terrorists..then after the snake turns it's head and stings then u will call them terrorists until then they are Syria democratic forces.

Joshua Paul says:

Get out of there! You are there illegally. War criminals, you are after Syrian land and oil. You are clinically killing Syrians who are fighting Al-Qaeda/ISIS .

Robert Wissenbach says:

How could we be acting in SELF DEFENSE IN SOMEONE ELSES COUNTRY ????????????????????????

420kushmaster says:

Not True IsIs attacked Syria and they followed them right back to US base. You dirty scumbags in USA government your time is short!!!

Linda Rockers says:


Paul Jorgenson says:

What’s with the lip sync?

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