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Do NOT Create Distance in Self Defense | Concealed Carry Techniques and Tactics | CCW

“Create distance” is often the cry of those who haven’t really spent a lot of time thinking about or actually training in the defensive use of their handgun in realistic scenarios. Check out USCCA for self defense training, knowledge and legal protection at Follow Mike: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: My Kit: Podcast: DISCLAIMER: This video and description contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on them, hard2hurt receives a small commission. This helps support the hard2hurt channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thanks for supporting us and stay hard2hurt. Music: Title Song is Lying Low Royalty Free music by


hard2hurt says:

Check out USCCA for self defense training, knowledge and legal protection at

SKARHEAD 75 says:

As a NON sport jiu jitsu practitioner you should know it's not about "create space" as it is "CONTROL THE DISTANCE"….You're far away when you want to be…up close when you need to be. Both Standing and on the ground…and every range in between. Usually the opposite of when your opponent / attacker does.


The thumbnail be like “you shot me in the dick” “oh shit, I shot him in the dick”

Nicolai Veliki says:

You always want to be at a distance at which you can injure your enemy without them being able to injure you. It rarely (say: never) works out exactly that way, but it's a good guideline to determine if you want to close or create distance. Obviously, being 6'4" tall, I like long distance hand to hand, while you would prefer to close against me so I can't create as much momentum with my punches and kicks and keep you at a distance where you can't really follow through with attacks without provoking punishing counterattacks. Living in Germany, guns aren't exactly something I have to watch out for in a 'standard' self defense situation (no such thing as a standard self defense situation but I think you know what I mean), though knife attacks have become a fad recently (Würzburg last week and a few days later Erfurt, total of 5 people killed and ~15 injured), to which I must say I am still not comfortable instructing knife defence (probably never will be)

lulospawn says:

I hear you namedrop Active Self Protection and two fantasies popped immediately:
1) Collab with John Correia
2) You watching footage like John and totally dissing the people involved.

Prodigal Maestro says:

I feel like you did that kick off of the wall incorrectly. I believe screaming showtime while doing it is required to be effective.

hydrolito says:

Stay away from large Democrat run cities if you value your safety. They let violent criminals out and lock up law abiding people that practice self defense.

hydrolito says:

Guy escaped from shooter although he was hit by seven bullets. Shooters getaway driver left and shooter was caught by police. Had he been closer shooter could have made easier fatal shot.

Andrea Bennett says:

Like the new pfp

curtis m says:

"Creating distance is dumb." People who have actually seen combat: 🤔 aight…bye.

mark mcnaught says:


analogdistortion says:

LOL biting the bat off him!!

Jessica Smash says:

Love the defense against the bludgeoning device

Rotator Cuff Injury says:

from now on I always imagine you saying "bouyouka bouyouka" when you draw the practice gun

Konrad BOX says:

4:20 is one of the greatest sequences I've seen in my life

Repetz says:

oh yes you are americans, we talk guns now.
it was so necessary.

mark reed says:

close quarters might work for average height but tall dudes need different fight distances.

JCLeSinge says:

Anyone prefacing what they'd with "just", "I'll just push them", "I'll just do X", "I'll just do Y", isn't thinking realistically. There is no "just" in a fight, you've got a live human opponent, nothing is gonna be easy.

Dicky Veto says:


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