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Discover the Most Effective Self-Defense System!

Learn Self-Defense Today…Visit: ▻ Code Red Defense is simplest and most effective self-defense system available today! In all,…


Nick Drossos says:

Hello, here’s a trailer video of the Code Red Defense Self-Defense System.
Feel free to like and share the video with your friends and family. Thanks

Cesar Reyes says:

Love your work, you are the modern self defense martial arts fighter you
guys are as real as it gets not the UFC thank you for your work

Chris Ducker says:

I don’t know if the big guy’s new, but he seems really good for throwing
the energy into the practice. Let’s you get to know what it’s like working
under the pressure of aggression thrown your way!

AntoniokEr kEr says:

WHY are you people disliking nicks videos , i cant understand , nick if u
see this message , i want to tell u , props and bigup from Germany/Romania
, ur tipps are helping a lot , in case u wanted to know :)!

Thekrazyhacker says:

Can u pleas teach me how to reverse when someone is kicking or block

LDWyze says:

Intense. Happy I found this channel and subscribed. Keep up the good work
and much success to you!

christinbichle le says:

badass trailer 

George Washingturnt says:

did they dieded?

couch potatoe says:

The big guy sure scary, that’s how it is.

Excellent, keeping it real.

Anon Anoni says:

Good stuff…need to learn this.

opichocal says:

Now boys can’t we all just get along ha ha haaa

c2thew says:

sick intro nick!

davetruther31 says:

Hey Nick I notice you use alot of Savat style low kicks in your
techniques..Did you ever train in that style? 

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