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David Hogg DEFEATED! Open Carry for Self Defense LEGAL NOW in California #GunControl

Turns out they were serious, because now the most LIBERAL COURT in all the land has ruled that OPEN CARRY FOR SELF DEFENSE IS NOW CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED. Per the Q Anon Posts – Parkland was a Distraction. Guns are Safe. Q Q Bill Smith (@Real_Bill_Smith) | Twitter Law section 12-17808.pdf Appeals court says 2nd Amendment allows open carry of guns | Nation | Ninth Circuit Affirms Preliminary Injunction Against California’s High Capacity Magazine Ban | RECOIL
Ninth Circuit Affirms Preliminary Injunction Against California’s High Capacity Magazine Ban
17-56081.pdf Opinions Opinions high capacity california grandfather clause – Google Search….0…1.1.64.psy-ab..34.9.3438…0i22i30k1.0.Ct-EgRiHbXI #qanon #guncontrol #billsmith


My Channel says:

Why is this ruling only for CA?

plejaren1 says:

Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!

OldToughDW says:

Bill Smith: Just one more thing because you brought it up. The injunction stops the state of Calif. from enforcing the magazine ban and The 9th circuit decision on open carry applies to every state in it's jurisdiction. So, it makes open carry legal in Oregon,
Washington, etc, and strikes down the laws in those states as well. You are dealing with tyrants and tyrant wannabes so be prepared tyrants push limits right after they suffer a defeat. If it goes to the Supreme Court and is heard it will result in a nationwide win for open carry. I do hope they try to run the gambit of taking both all the way to the Supreme Court. You suck at giving legal advice, so leave it to the pros. You did cross that line and you need to be more aware of the limits in the future.

Joanne Moonflower says:

It seems we had the Alphabet Gang..CIA FBI DOJ.. I would say… Criminal Minds…

OldToughDW says:

Bill let me point out a few things you either didn't know or skipped over. It keys on the legal term "ex post facto" which is Latin for "out of after the fact." As a legal term it is "arising out of after the fact" If the ownership of an item was legal when it was bought or created no law can make it illegal afterward, nor require that it be destroyed or surrendered; it can only be applied to actions done and items made or bought after the law passes. Therefore, grandfathering is guaranteed by sec. 9, of The Calif State Constitution, and article 1, section 9, clause 3 of the US Constitution. Laws do not need a grandfather clause, because it is your right! If you are ignorant of your rights you can't fight for them, and if you won't fight for your rights and those of your neighbor, then you will shortly find yourself without them. As this law proves beyond any doubt. Get educated on the law and your rights, their scope, limits and application, because knowledge is power and without knowledge you give the power to others who don't give a damn about you or your rights. I didn't waste words, as is my way, and every single word I wrote is important. It covers a different area of knowledge, and you don't have to be an attorney to defend your rights, just knowledgeable.

Biosauce says:

The Ruling only immediately effects Hawaii. Open Carry is Still illegal in California!! However if someone gets arrested for it they can sue, using this ruling as precedent. (sounds expensive :O)

Rose Engle says:

I live in Colorado does that apply to us as well

Goosestepping Gulag T.V. says:

Wow California has spoken…..well played the sleeping Conservatives have realized they have to save whats left and this administration has given America a voice ….not just the liberal lunes!!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

loaded brush says:

Her name was Kate Steinle

loaded brush says:

The magazine part just meant it's unconstitutional to confiscate the "grandfathered" magazines. Still can't acquire or buy anything with more than 10 rounds

loaded brush says:

You basically gotta be a (((diamond dealer))) to get a cc in CA

C Kellim says:

Lol hopefully Maxine Waters goes nuts and gets to be first to feel the flash! Since she's so attack, attack, attack all conservatives and elected officials, she's got to go!!!

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