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Core to Extremity in Self-Defense

“The core to extremity movement, and the power and speed that we already have, is part of this hidden arsenal of CrossFit,” explains Tony Blauer of the CrossFit Specialty Course: SPEAR™. Interested in learning more about self-defense? View the CrossFit Specialty Course: SPEAR™ overview and upcoming dates here: CrossFit® – Forging Elite Fitness® ( The CrossFit Games® – The Sport of Fitness™ The Fittest On Earth™


Davidx says:

"I don't need to learn a move. I just need be like oh, fuck." Horrible advice, you're reacting on an impulse decision instead of thinking through your actions to defend yourself.

Cesar C says:

lol hidden arsenal of CrossFit 😂

James P Hill says:

Guys this is just a teaser, can you teach Muay Thai or BJJ in 1min? Look at some of Blauer's other work too before sounding off; he focuses on the first few seconds of a confrontation so you can survive (and then show off your highly honed MA skills). I appreciate his focus on practical skills that do not require years of dedicated practice, I would think that the payoff vs time invested is much better. jm2c.

Brad L says:

his tips are so bad! This hurts. Train in Muay Thai or Krav Maga, so much better

Trey Greason says:

Learn BJJ…

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