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BJJ Self Defense Lesson 2: Escaping the Mount

More free info at Stephan Kesting shows you how to escape from one of the worst positions in a streetfight using BJJ (and why man…


anaconda118 says:

COMPLETE BULSHIT : By the time you capture his arm with both of your hands
in an attempt to escape, he can eye gouge you with his free arm. You will
be imobilized to do anything else except save your eye at that point.

Same for the eye gouge to escape the mount, you will NOT be able to do the
same back to him as he did it first. You will only be able to save your own
eyes at that point.

You CANNOT hope and wish for him not to escalate things either, it is a
Street Fight DUMMY.

It takes 1 second to gouge the eye you brainless imbecile, how are you
going to do it back? An eye gouge isn’t a punch you idiot.

It is a pressure point, you are incapacitated, you can only try to remove
his hands from your eyes before trying to do anything else to him.

It also takes 1 second to snap the Carotid artery with the thumb and finger.

FAIL you Martial Arts WANNABEE.

TreSneaky says:

I’ve been watching different mount escape techniques in a row of all the
techniques I saw this looks like the most foolproof technique, definitely
the best for beginners. Others were a lot more technical and did not end
into as favourable position as this one.

Alexander szell says:

what I the attacker was fat and you were a small guy can you do a vid about

XDReconSpartanXD says:

Thanks man i keep getting trapped on mount even if i try a shrimping
escape. I’ll definitly try this escape rolling.

mrtruthforever says:

Thank you for your excellent instruction.

Raven Lee says:

Wow, just came upon this video randomly. It is one of the clearest and most
important self defense videos I’ve ever seen. Victims of bullying and women
would benefit tremendously from this.

AbsoluteMMA101 says:

This is certainly helpful..especially when you are a beginner…most likely
you will get mounted if your opponent is a grappler.

xxRAZORWOLFxx says:

This will help a lot!

Freddy Velez says:

that fly got knoced out 1:39

S Peng says:

Really like your vedios,but in the bjj combat I always get trapped and
difficult to use the good technique

cri8tor says:

Hey Stephen
Thank you so much for taking out the time to film and post another great
cheers m8

gekiryudojo says:

and bullies grab your wrists and pin your arms down thus supporting himself
then what?

mrfwest says:

imagine looking outside your window and seeing two grown men doing this
across the street.

egohimselfify says:

Ridiculous to think just an eye gouge defense will stop this. What about
grabbing the groin? Biting/ripping/tearing the head/neck/chest/leg works
pretty well too…. The prob with grappling is you’re close in to someone
who may or may not be a crazy fuck like me and headbutt/bite/rip/tear the
fuck out of you…

Scott Iam says:

I like the technique, and enjoy your videos. One point of disagreement
though. I think It’s important to learn all that we can in regard to self
defense. In my view, a well rounded fighter must use any and all techniques
that may save his/her life. But like all techniques, including those you
call coming from the traditional arts such as eye gouges, groin strikes, 1
knuckle punches to the throat, spleen, hair grabbing head control- to name
a few, technique effectiveness lies in its execution. I think once we leave
the gym and competition and are faced with potentially life threatening or
life changing violence, dispatching the aggressor can be nasty and ugly
unlike gently getting our inebriated friend/family member to tap out. 

Michael Currier says:

Hey gekiryudojo, if you want to reply to me you can’t delete my comment and
then turn off comments.

And really? Say it to your face? I’m huge, dude, and trained. That’s the
most pointless thing you could say.

djhartm says:

Some of the comments here are absolutely astounding.

I’ve been training in Krav & BJJ for 5+ years.

To say this technique doesn’t work is absurd.

Nice work (again) Stephan. :)

Mike Zita says:

If I ever get in this position im going to wait until the guy goes for
swing, grab his arm and bite a piece of his forearm off.

Pull a walking dead on this bitch

Urban Fit & Fearless | self defence - urban krav maga | London says:

Escaping the full mount


Johknee Frabo says:

TO HELP TEACH PEOPLE SELF DEFENSE! Much love and thanks man!

lakshen47 says:

Could you shut up about the “traditional martial artist dim mak” and just
show your shit?
This is not the best way to get out of this, if the person on top has any
sort of balance that “bridge” won’t be enough, you need to make a whole

Heather Minor says:

A very basic but effective mount escape. Stephan pointed out the importance
of keeping your elbows in, and he is absolutely correct. It’s incredibly
important to keep your elbows in tightly to their knees (or inner thighs).
If they are not, your opponent will surely move into a deep mount, or
worse, when you bridge, you’ll just assist your mounted opponent into a
deep (or high) mount, at which point, things go from bad to worse,
especially if you don’t know how to get out of that. lol. Great video! 

craig steyn says:

see many people saying the technique wont work… no technique is 100% all
the time but one option is better than no option and two options are better
than one. if your afraid it wont work then you dont have confidence in
doing it thats not the techniques fault thats your fault, i weigh 80kg ive
done this on some one that weighs 140kg… your watching the technique…
but doing little to understand the mechanics.

Broseph MG says:

This shit would never work. You won’t be able to roll someone who’s
fully-engaged and resisting.

Best odds against an untrained attacker is to bridge to raise him for a
second & make him lean forward, then roll to your stomach & buck him
forward by springing to turtle position (he’ll not hook your torso like a
trained man would).

imdamanwithdaanswers says:

2:42 “and now you are able to molest him as you see fit”

David Malone says:

this technique is hard when you are not used to grappling off your back. i
spent all my energy many times trying to turn someone over with this
technique. if youre new to grappling, it probably wont work. on a bigger
stronger opponent, it takes a little bit of actual skill.

but guess what, everything takes hard work and a little skill. your not
going to triangle your choke your way out of a random street attack because
you watched a stephen kesting video so you might as well go train. 

Cody Slater says:

repeated bridging and twist

Miguel Collins says:

Umpa Slice

Philippe Ferreira says:

Thanks Mr. Stephan for addressing the eye gouging BS that every ignorant in
any grappling art always say it would work, as an excuse not to train

Gwarrior314 says:

Sifu, good video.
just my opinion, in that situation where one has such a great advantage, it
is, in a true combative fight, dangerous!
but, all things go my brother! In your example your posture was good to
prevent an eye gouge. But, to the viewers, please don’t discount anything
that can help you in that situation …
We all have our war stories, but I can attest to eye strikes as effective
if able to apply in that situation.
listen, no matter who you are, how much you train, if a skilled fighter is
raining down blows on your head, do whatever you can..
Thanks for your video.

Luis Garcia says:

Nice video, I started to practice Aikido, in the first class the guy who
was teaching the techniques didn’t show the techniques from different
angles, so you get the same perspective over and over again, I moved from
the position of my colleagues, I really wanted to see it from another angle
to get more details, I was punished for that, from that day I realized my
Aikido career was over before start.
I played football (Soccer in USA) and all my coaches when they teach you
techniques they do it from different angles in order to have a better

galjon469 says:

muy buena ilustracion

AndyyyRS says:

Bet that woman walking past at the end was like WTF??

Alexander Xristov says:


Sindre Eide says:

Use the secret thickle tecnique until they fall of. It works every time I
promis ;-P

chtopteam says:

Great video. Thanks for sharing. 

james dean says:

that shit wont work on bigger and stronger guys. Instead, once you have the
guys hands on the ground, grab his neck with both hands and then turn.

Frederick Thomas says:


milo Powers says:


kiharaaikido says:

Great job on the video Stephan! Keep up the good work buddy :)

Betty Cejas says:

Escaping the full mount


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