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Banned Techniques That Work In Self Defense – Breakdown | Emon Rashid

One of the things I specialize in is teaching self defense. Here are some techniques and concepts to help protect yourself. But don’t get crazy. My Film Channel: Instagram: @vloshry Tumblr/DeviantArt : vloshry (although I don’t do much)


Edemile Umipig says:

Your illustrations are amazing

yaboy says:

Do you train primarily at a tricking gym?

MrByaeger says:

The forehead is good for head butting, but it's not ideal. It can be prone to getting cut and that bleeds into your eyes. Plus it rattles your brain and can stun you as well . Better off going with the "crown" of your skull as you look a bit off to the side. Watch Evander Hollyfield vs. Tyson . The bone is stronger and if you do get cut and have hair it's slows the bleeding. And if you don't, at least its not going right into your eyes. As for groin kicks, don't over think it and try to use the top of your foot. Just bring the whole leg up like you are kicking a football that is behind the bad guy, that way they can't pull their hips back on instinct and you miss. And final Old Man tip, next time you are grappling and are getting mounted, try pinching and twisting the inner thigh as hard as you can . It only works once and if they aren't energized in a true fighting state, but it can make them jump off you instantly otherwise , just try it on yourself and see. Oh, and as for throat shots, that's a spasm of the windpipe. Takes about 30- 60 seconds to release , you end up trying to suck air through a bar straw and that's all you can think about when it's happening . Self defense isn't the same as fighting. It's not mutually agreed upon. Self Defense is all about going home that night alive. Become an expert in stopping people, not fighting them .

WhoFan2421 says:

Bit of an Egoraptor fan there, Emon?

dewinmoonl says:

huh who voiced this video it's different voice from the usual one

shinomori69 says:

That was good stuff.

Michael Lavan says:

Moar Rashid pls.

BloopShow says:

Dat sequelitis

Paragon of Growth says:

This is such a good idea vid I have thought of this in the past. Haven't watched it but rabbit punches and hammer fists to the back of the head and eye poke jabs are the ones I thought of.

Pegleg Noid says:

Index finger up the nose works very well.

goodguyaus says:

You asshole… made my milk spurt thru my nose at 3:13!

Iran Padilla says:

Is there is any way possible of using a peekaboo style at close range while also utilizing Ali's footwork at further distinces. This might be a stupid question but i wanted to know if there is anything remotely similar to this or if it would even be possible to find some commen ground.

dbears6 says:

Diddle to win. Tattoo worthy.

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