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American takes a Krav Maga Class in Hamburg, Germany! (Self Defense Class at Krav Maga Academy)

For hitting my goal on Patreon, I wanted to take a class in my community here in Hamburg. I chose self defense because I know it would be good for me to get out of my comfort zone (from lamb to lion haha). I chose Krav Maga because one of my Patreons recommended it to me. Thank you for that! And thank you to Tino Enders for his warm welcome and letting me film at his studio and take a class there. It was really nice! The people were so nice! I am not sporty at all, I’ve never done contact sports… so this was very new to me. I felt at first quite awkward but by the end I could see how a few more classes would get me over that hill and be more comfortable. Tino has been trained by KMG – Krav Maga Global – this organization makes sure the instructors get trained from the student of the creators of Krav Maga. He’s the real deal^^ Krav Maga Academy – Hamburg Germany Krav Maga Academy (Haus 13, EG links), Friesenweg 4, 22763 Hamburg If you enjoyed this video and would like to see more please consider becoming a patreon. (your support directly helps with my student expenses; my rent, my food, and my education, so I really appreciate it^^) Or if you’d like to support me with a one time donation, I also have a donation page: ^.^


starryk79 says:

Very interesting vid. Thanks for sharing and thanks to the Krav Maga Academy for that great demonstration!

Trey Beantown says:

and the Lamb becomes the Lion!

Shalom_Don says:

Tranformation to woman UFC fighter in progress ๐Ÿ™‚
Cool mode is still activated, battle mode is still under training.
Good vid btw

Richard Elbe says:

It is for defending and attacking. I've have followed Amir Perets for years.. a legend in the IDF and Maga world. It was developed for use in close quarters to defend yourself and then overwhelm your attacker, end them and move on with the mission. to quote " Krav Maga has a philosophy emphasizing aggression "

JayOerg Kompasskopf says:

Nice Video – very sporty. It is good, that you are able to defense yourself, but I hope you will never need it.

azschalter says:

Awww sheโ€™s beautiful! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ cheers from …Hamburg. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Andy Brueckner says:

Awesome, great job my dear lionlamb! It is so nice to see you gain self-confidence. Trust in you, you are strong and absolutely gorgeous btw ๐Ÿ˜‰

m_36341 _w says:

Toll das Sie das machen. Ich hoffe nur fรผr Sie, dass Sie die erlernten Techniken niemals anwenden mรผssen.

vbvideo says:

Mega cooles Video, LionLike! ๐Ÿ™‚

Jan Folkersma says:

Good 4 you! And you had someone to hold the camera too! ๐Ÿ™‚

Sam Ludwig says:

Are you looking to protect yourself because of the recent influx of cultural enrichment?

Juri O says:

Echt cooles und interessantes Video!
Jetzt mรถchte ich auch Krav Maga erlernen ^^

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