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Airguns for self defense and survival

This is a video about using airguns in an end of world situation and for self defense/survival.I talk about the different types of airguns and their pros and…


Zakariyya Yusuf Salajee says:

I get over 250 shots per c02 cartridge 

Triple Threat Gaming says:

What about a 50cal air rifle haha ;)

roy votava says:

keep in mind when a person use a weapon in self defense the aggressor is
usualy within 10 feet of you therefore in most self defense cases a .22
spring piston air rifle made for hunting will infact be very lethal
especially with a head shot. mine goes through heavy gauge car mufflers at
60 ft. distances. it will deffinately pierce your skull .

david gierszewski says:

.25 cal are getting pretty popular here in WA and they can take down a deer

CrowJack says:

I have all the types of airguns that you do. In a survival situation they
are one of the best options for securing meat. Good vid. I am Subing your
channel. Check out mine. I only have a few vids now but will be posting
more soon. 

SKATENUB89 says:

how do you camo your guns?

Gabe Vela says:

i dig the hell out of the crosman pistol carbine
who did the camo

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