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Active Shooter Defense | Unarmed Self Defense Technique | Tactical Rifleman

We hear about “run/hide/fight” all the time but as a teacher in a classroom, a parishioner at church or any other type of scenario run and hide are much less likely to be viable options and not many people teach good ways to deal with an active shooter already entering your space intending to do harm. What we are presenting here is a starting point for training yourself on how to deal with an active shooter without yourself being armed. There are many more elements to how we teach to respond in this situation but this is where you begin, by disabling the shooter from a third person position. There is no fancy martial art technique to this, just some guiding principles, the most important of which is to train on acting quickly and aggressively. If you chose to train this on your own: 1. Use either an inert training gun or a real weapon with a barrel block or with the bolt/firing pin removed from it. 2. Wear gloves and any other appropriate protective gear so you don’t get cut up by the gun when fighting over it. 3. After making the initial contact with the shooter and securing the gun and arms in your “hug” DO NOT drop to the floor as aggressively as you can because doing so will result in injuries and you want to be able to train with that partner again. Help support Tactical Rifleman by becoming a patron on Patreon My favorite source for Night Vision, Thermal Imaging, Riflescopes and Lasers – Want the same gear as Karl check out the NEW Amazon shop For more go to Follow us on Facebook: Instagram: Twitter-


Dindo Nuffin says:


Without Further Ado says:

More of these techniques, please.

Joe says:

Never skip bicep day

A-ARON W says:

A sharp folding knife for the defender would come in handy I think to puncture the attacker once firearm arm is held down – but of course, I've never actually done this despite thinking about reacting to an attacker with a gun – great video and thank you

Lifes2short4BS says:

This info is pure gold. Thank you for passing this knowledge on.

Christopher Santrizos says:

First tool is to use both legs. Bend both legs slightly. Put your dominate leg about three feet behind your other leg. Tighten up your hamstrings and start to sprint. … Sprint away from the shooter! Run! Run B! Run as fast as you can!!!

sabbir jaigirder says:

didnt like the pistol disarming but rifle disarming was legit

Paul American says:

Its a good lesson. Most people would go for the gun (which is a small target), instead go for whats controling the gun with the mindset of dissarming the bad guy.

matthews erkert says:

Excellent advice! Thanks, gents, and lady!

Luis Coley says:

Ryan blocked me from his Facebook page 😭😭

Corey Suttles says:

Awesome video!!!! Great info!!

Matthew Jacobs says:

Even Imri’s chest sweat is Israeli. The real Zohan!

The Raven's Red says:

Great info, Master Imri. Thank you. It's a shame there's a need for shit like this, though. :/

The Raven's Red says:

Imri! Fuck yeah, soul fam. 🖤

DaddyJack Bullpup Mage says:

can anyone identify the tactical pants the instructor is wearing? Brand, colour?

Sicsemperevello Mortemtyrannis says:

Careful with that bear hug at 4:30. If the dude is positioned on the trigger, you may have just caused a negligent discharge. Also, be aware of your surroundings, and direction you redirect, you don't wanna move the barrel, and then maybe cause the shooter to shoot someone else.

Sicsemperevello Mortemtyrannis says:

Am I the only one the complete opposite of scared, because it's a big, and loud, and a horrible killing machine?

Zell Bundy says:

What about the shell casings?

Johnny Nonya says:

Church what ever….. i find that disingenuous and a bit disrespectful.

alvmahn says:

Currently working in a non-permissive environment, and we have been told to 'run hide fight', and I myself have asked in employee meetings after watching the classroom videos of office actors running around a corner, or hiding under a desk: what about the fight? And the response was, that is up to you. Thank you for posting, as stated in the video, just a taste of what everybody should learn for self reliance.

BONES 1x2 says:

Awesome! Simple and effective.