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10 Tiny Self-Defense Gadgets

Nobody wants to be on the receiving end of a random attack or mugging, but if you do ever find yourself in a hairy situation, it’s always good to have something you can use to either deter or disable the assailant. Today, we look at the top 10 self-defence gadgets that will protect you. 1.Trailblazer pocket firearm 2. Yellowjacket iPhone taser 3. Surefire Stiletto Tactical flashlight 4. Gerber Impromptu Tactical Pen 5. Fast strike 6. Personal alarm 7. Monkey fist 8. Munio keychain 9. The Bryna HD pistol 10. StrikeLight


Michelle Bouchard says:

Tim Kennedy from black ops to strike force to UFC to the face of tactical pens . glad to see Tim doing well specially after being on a terrorist kill list ..

Iyimuro Iykw says:

Lol ok there’s 3 accounts talking about how undErAtEd tHiS chNnEl iSS

E 1 says:

How much is the first gadget worth?

Gerald Reed says:

gimmicky bullshit

connor booboo says:

this is why, bring a gun. If u want their wallet, shoot em then take it. idiots

.°Eππe¥uex™ʕ´•ᴥ•`ʔ says:

Lol ok there’s 3 accounts talking about how undErAtEd tHiS chNnEl iSS

.°Eππe¥uex™ʕ´•ᴥ•`ʔ says:

Who wants to buy these just bc they look cool…

Xiang hui Zheng says:

1:57 taser 101: always go for the groin.

Reality Check says:

Theses products are bullshit.

Salvador Cruz says:

ill make sure to buy one so I'm prepared

David Boson says:

the best self defense is to move to a country where there is very little violence.

RideFreestyleOhio says:

12 inches of rebar is also very effective

Xav Man says:

Finally a channel where they tell the prices!

Mohammadredzuwan Mohammadredzuwan says:

How mouch Sir?? I'm from malaysia

Amazing Games says:

We NEeD To GEt rID oF DefENSe WeaPOns sO tHaT cRiMiNaLs cAn'T gEt ThEm.

Chase Connor says:

That's @DemolitionRanch In the beginning with the gun

quitewind Broken says:

( لااله الا انت سبحانك اني كنت من الظالمين) استغفروا الله العظيم واشكروا نعم الكريم وتوبوا لله العظيم وصلوا على خير البشر سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين وسلم تسليما كثيرا إلى يوم الدين

Jules Mpc says:

I want all of them!!!

Chey no says:

Many of these "tools" will just get you killed. Including that folding gun 🤦🏻‍♂️

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