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10 Best Martial Arts For Self Defense

) This list contains ten of the best martial arts for self defense in the world | planet earth. It´s based on worldwide popularity and technique involved that …


GabiGameLand says:

Wing chun should be 1#

realpolitik says:

Systema and Silat. Destroy the weapons of the opponent and attack from as
many angles as possible while keeping things simple.

furyballs8 says:

if you were a master at krav maga and knew aikido youd win pretty much beat
everyone if they approached you on the streets

Alexander Mussler says:

It seems like the creator oft this has no idea about fighting systems.

clifford gant says:

Im happy keysi is on the list cuz it doesnt get the credit and respect it
deserves but why the fuck is karate here

Trey cook says:

It appears the picture is not of the art being labelled. 10 was not Wing
Chun, nor was no.8 Jeet Kune do.

Mikkel Vlietstra says:

i agree

MickenMN says:

picture 7 is teakwondo

recardo narine says:

no tkd? :(

Silat Urban says:

why does picture and title not same? 

LopezFam4Productions says:

How is Wing Chun #10? Personally, it’s been more useful to me than karate
or aikido. Not necessarily accurate, but in a way true.

Jelece Royail says:

I am guessing you put this list together in no particular order what so
ever? Or was it your intention to show everyone how little you truly know
about the Martial Arts?

Pixels TCT RiderZ says:

Bad idea

jamesejudy3 says:

who the hell made this list???

djpoetic28 says:

Ya forgot escrima

latinamajor says:

Here is a video of not one but TWO BJJ MASTERS and so-called ‘professional
MMA fighters’ getting the living shit kicked out of them by UNTRAINED
street kids. This video nicely sums up how utterly USELESS BJJ is a REAL

If these BJJ masters had only had about 2 years worth of Kung-Fu training
from a competent teacher, they would have been MUCH better prepared to deal
with this situation.

THIS is what a REAL fight looks like, kiddies… and BJJ *SUCKS* – ENJOY!
Brazilian MMA Fighter Gets Beat Down for Trying to Kiss the Wrong Girl

Max Duran says:

I must say that this list is wrong in the majority, I personally think that
the first two Keysi and Krav Maga are good third would be Golden Dragon
Jeet Kune Do which is the strongest for street combat between all schools
of JKD , and these first places very close in terms of efficiency and power.
Taekwondo should not be on this list because it is one of the worst systems
to defend themselves in the street, Karate gives better tools but also
should be out of the list, the same with Brazilian Jujitsu and Judo.
Boxing could be on the 9th place Wing Chung 8th place , 7th place should be
Savate , Muay Thai should be in place 6th, maybe in 5th place and 4th place

To support this I must say that I am instructor of Jeet Kune Do with one of
the highest degrees in South America , 3rd Dan Black Belt in Karate, 1st
Dan in Taekwondo and Silver Gloves in Savate . Also I have advanced degrees
in Muay Thai, Aikido , Capoeira, Iaido among other martial arts, with 28
years experience in martial arts and military combat

tooslis lauj says:

Taekwondo ? That’s self defense 

Luah Zhi Yao says:

F you! No way in hell BJJ is a self defense art i got friend that were
attacked by 4 guys and he doesn’t know what to do because he can only
grapple 1 guy and if he go to the ground he will be beaten up badly or
killed so he ran in the end. He told me not to freaking take BJJ if i want
to learn self defense because BJJ is a sport not a martial art.

bath3398 says:

Best martial art is the one that you like and works for you. 

titaniumx99 says:

Well this is not a very good list, Jeet Kune Do is a concept not a martial
art, Western Boxing, Judo and BJJ should be closer to the top and Wing Chun
should be two on that list. Also you forgot Eskrima.

coronadrvr says:

Hmmm, Hapkido the Korean self defense martial art whos techniques are used
by law enforcement everywhere didnt make the list? Plus for the most part
the pictures dont match the art, and there seems to be no logical order to

Neftalí López Elizondo says:

Please. What is the name of the song that plays in the background in the

Blood2480 says:

What about russian Systema??

abrjedi says:

look into Kung fu san soo. it is really number 1 on the list.

tooslis lauj says:

Taekwondo ? That’s self defense 

Matialartsman says:

That pic of “jeet kune do” is a WTF (world taekwondo federation) picture

TheBardock93 says:

i just watched the video for another opinion but here is mine there is not
one dominant fighting art but one dominant fighter all styles are just
different opinions bruce was a legend but then again so is donnie yen,
jackie chan, chuck norris, jet li, and many others who aren’t even tv stars
or movie stars it depends on the fighter not the style. All of these stars
and legends all have traveled the world and studied many styles. 

awsomeduelist says:

Where is shaolin?

cmoney557557 says:

What, no Sambo!?

Larsson365 says:

I am amazed that Sambo was not on this list.

Kevin Astesani says:

Taekwondo should be first

egorjaguarable says:

Man and what about hapkido? This is one of the bestmarcial arts for selfe

ikcjjtttt says:

what about weapons and multiple opponents? which most street fights consist

rugby1mastaz98 says:

i agree with the wing chun part but as for karate being useful? Eh

TheGoogler77 says:

WING CHUN has too many limitations: lack of newaza (ground fighting)
training, lack of realistic sparring and too much emphasis on forms, and
suspect tactics. WC does have some interesting techniques but so do a lot
of martial arts. AIKIDO has some good wrist lock escapes, but lacks newaza
and full-contact training. (CONT)

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