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Solo Training for Self-Defense This clip shows you how you can train for self-defense even if you don’t have a training partner. Nick demonstrates how …

Extreme Self Defense Selbstverteidigung TEIL 1 Deutsch Doku EXTREME

Ed Burlew: The Right to Self-Defense

St. Catharines resident Ian Thomson used a gun to defend his home against arsonists. Then he was charged with weapons offenses. While Thomson was acquitted o…

.22 LR Handgun for Self Defense? CCI Stinger Ammo Test

Test of the CCI Stinger, 32 gr copper-plated hollowpoint, from the Ruger SR22 handgun. The SR22 has a 3.5″ barrel. Will the short barrel affect performance o…

Self Defense

techniques de rue. A utiliser seulement en extreme nécessité, et de légitime défense.

The Armed Citizen II: Public Defense

Self defense, mass shootings, gun free zones, and concealed carry stories. Check us out on facebook – This is …

Man Pulls Gun In Self Defense During Attack In Walmart

Pine Bluss, AR. – Pine Bluff Police said a person with a gun in Walmart caused the store to evacuate. According to public information representative Regina V…

Art du mouvement /self-defense. Defendre sur grappling

défendre sur grappling.

The #1 Self Defense Technique Self defense expert, John Moore, explains the #1 self defense technique he would teach if he could only show you one.

Chinese Police self-defence

Chinese Police self-defense.