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#short 🤼 Karate self defence technique 🔥 #shortvideo

Karate techniques Karate training karate video karate moves Karate practice Martial arts techniques Self defence techniques Karate fight, karate technique, self defense techniques, karate training, martial art training, how to save yourself and save your friends in any situation will try to teach through my channel.


@user-up6bv3lz1q says:

Я тысячу советов и приемов видал.но на ум приходит когда надо только бег на 100м

@chillplayz6051 says:

Damn thanks brother my toxic bully did this to me and i did this thanks my bro

@user-ub3vm9ek6g says:

But if she is an obese girl, what is the solution to her? ❤😂❤😊

@habbulsk7273 says:


@chrisolson3240 says:

That's how people fight in the streets. 😮

@SadRaid-io3jn says:

Kahi mota admi mil gaya to kaise uthayenge😂😂

@user-ec2se6sv3q says:

Хорошо сработает если соперник пьяный и просто пытается тебя запугать.

@datonekidbro says:

Thats so fucking fire.🔥

@YP_EDITS- says:

Bhai tere chakar me pit gaya ne😢

@daoudatraore2240 says:


@user-xi9uj2ot3y says:

Fun fact – we forget these tips when at real combat 😂😂😂

@user-ri2lz1oy3c says:

Красота и просто!

@user-ri2lz1oy3c says:


@user-xq3ct2td7k says:

Agar left hath se pakde to 😮 same technique use ki jayegi kay😮

@user-jy8yv7yd1t says:


@TippuIsmail says:

Wow man good great

@user-xi6mh9vx3s says:

Просто и эфективно

@user-ey4fp6gk1v says:


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