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Self defense tips! 🤣 (4k memes) #shorts


@OduwaOkhionkpamwonyi says:

Enemy nah I'd win me how ur balls💀💀☠️☠️🤣

@JanethTairo-j5v says:

What is that sound😂😂

@jessamaeabrera758 says:

Bro are you stupid they well not fall for that gyat

@yessirepic104 says:

self defense failed, my legs are currently paralyzed.

@maheshpmohan2423 says:

Me after doing this 👐👐👐👐👐👏👏👏👏👏👏💀💀

@Rita-x3h says:

That was really helpful Rico thanks so much 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

@suhana3584 says:

Noises for times💀☠️

@anitax6397 says:

Thanks 😂

@devanshsuryawanshi4668 says:


@computerteach-W1 says:

What a taknique 🫡

@BigMouseF1 says:

Defend with ur ….

@staphonekinney9157 says:

Is this a girl or a boy?

@KLap-g2j says:

How is bro not cancelled 💀

@Goofyskeleton5 says:

Ngl he has horrible tips on punching

@Dcym48 says:

Lesson:how to get your a$$ chopped of of kicked or punched or even worse you finna hear the last words are ahh~ stop moving you already lost so don't move I'll be gentle~…

@cimtavv9324 says:

I tried it i got ripe,😢

@Galaxygamerrr says:

He got a point tho

@NkululekoKhoza-e8e says:

The sounds 😂😂

@Dyaryy says:

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 reallly?

@Kimberly_mom says:

bro he is so dumb that not how u do that

@ryanmax-grappler8654 says:

Diddy:😙he is right you know

@princetkidgamer17 says:

Is that a Saitama mannequin?😂😂😂

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